Build your own BRouter segments files

Posted on November 10, 2018 in Dev • 5 min read

I recently started to have a deeper look into routing for bikes, on top of OpenStreetMap data and came across BRouter. This article is a follow-up to the first one and will cover how to build your own segments files and add new tags to be extracted from the OSM data for your profiles.

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Setting up your own BRouter instance and start hacking

Posted on November 05, 2018 in Dev • 7 min read

I recently started to have a deeper look into routing for bikes, on top of OpenStreetMap data and came across BRouter. The website and the app might seem old school, but this is definitely one of the best routing engine out there (especially for bikes) and it is FOSS! One of the great advantage of BRouter is that it is written in Java and is light enough so that it can run on Android devices!

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Et si on allait jusqu’à Stockholm en train ?

Posted on October 30, 2018 in Travels • 44 min read

Lorsque j’ai découvert que le train entre Hambourg et Copenhague embarquait sur un ferry au milieu du trajet, il fallait que je fasse ce trajet ! Et puis, tant qu’à faire, pourquoi ne pas partir de Paris et aller jusqu’à Stockholm ? Un peu plus de 2000  km en train, parcourus en 12 jours avec des étapes à Bruxelles, Cologne, Hambourg, Copenhague, Malmö, Göteborg et enfin Stockholm, le terminus. C’est parti !

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Cycl’Assist 0.3 is out!

Posted on October 22, 2018 in Dev • 3 min read

Cycl’Assist aims to be a webapp to ease tracking and reporting issues with bike infrastructures while riding your bike (any danger on the way such as holes in the ground, cars parked like sh*t, road work, etc). You can think of it as Waze for bikes :) Version 0 …

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Reduce webapp build size

Posted on September 11, 2018 in Dev • 14 min read

I recently started working on Cyclassist which aims to be a webapp to ease tracking and reporting issues with bike infrastructures while riding your bike (any danger on the way such as holes in the ground, cars parked like shit, road work, etc). You can think of it as Waze …

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