Don du mois de juillet, août et septembre : Pepper&Carrot, Mastodon et OpenFoodFacts

Posted on 26 September 2017 in DonDuMois • 2 min read

J’ai quelques mois de retard, et ce n’est pas un don mais trois que je commente dans ce billet, pour les mois de juillet, août et septembre.

Premier don pour Gargron, le développeur principal de Mastodon, ce réseau social libre et décentralisé, alternative à Twitter. J’ai un …

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Two years of Velib data

Posted on September 08, 2017 in OpenData • 2 min read

About two years ago, I decided to dump on a very regular basis all the available data from the Velib API. Velib is the bike sharing system in Paris, and the API exposes a list of stations as well as their respective occupancy (free stands, available bikes in near realtime …

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Looking for a flat the modern way

Posted on August 06, 2017 in Dev • 4 min read

I recently moved home and had to go through the painful process of looking for a new flat to rent. You usually want to optimize various criteria, such as the commuting time, but housing websites and their search form are not fit for these. You also end up doing a …

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Tracking your bank accounts with a Raspberry Pi: Kresus

Posted on July 24, 2017 in DIY • 5 min read

I always had troubles tracking expenses on my bank accounts. You never have the correct password or login when you want to check your bank account status, you have to log into every bank website when you have multiple bank accounts, bank interfaces are super painful and so on. I …

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Don du mois de juin : GnuPG

Posted on 14 July 2017 in DonDuMois • 1 min read

Avec beaucoup de retard, déménagement oblige, je continue les dons du mois en donnant ce mois-ci 10€ à GnuPG.

Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas, GnuPG est une implémentation libre du standard OpenPGP qui permet de faire du chiffrement et de la signature de contenu. J’ai une clé que …

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