Moving from URxvt to st

Posted on August 07, 2016 in ConfigPorn • 1 min read

I have been using URxvt terminal for a while, but was suffering many issues with it recently. In particular, I had a weird locale issue, leading to unicode encoding errors whenever I copy accentuated characters using primary keyboard, some weird issues due to urxvt-tabbed and it just blew up when …

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Improved back and forth between workspaces

Posted on May 29, 2016 in ConfigPorn • 1 min read

i3 has a feature to enable going back and forth between workspaces. Once enabled, if you are on workspace 1 and switch to workspace 2 and then just press mod+2 again to switch to workspace 2, you will go back to workspace 1.

However, this feature is quite limited …

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Devops tools for workstations

Posted on April 06, 2015 in ConfigPorn • 4 min read

There is a growing interest in devops tools, such as Docker, Puppet / Ansible / Puppet / Chef to set up continuous integration, have the same working environment during development, testing, staging and production, and to manage thousands of servers in the cloud. However, I recently thought that some of these technologies could …

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TupperVim du 03/03/2015

Posted on 14 March 2015 in ConfigPorn • 2 min read

J’ai été à la TupperVim le 3 mars dernier dans les locaux de mozilla à Paris. Voici quelques notes de trucs que j’ai appris et noté pour ne pas les perdre.

  1. ^A (respectivement ^X) sert à incrémenter (respectivement décrémenter) le premier terme que Vim peut incrémenter (respectivement décrémenter …

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Versionner ses fichiers de configuration avec vcsh

Posted on 04 January 2015 in ConfigPorn • 1 min read

Je viens de découvrir un petit outil fort pratique pour versionner ses fichiers de configuration avec Git : vcsh. J’ai plusieurs ordinateurs que j’utilise régulièrement, et c’est toujours une véritable horreur de garder une configuration à jour entre les différents postes. Une solution standard est d’utiliser Git …

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