No more Velib API dump

Posted on January 07, 2018 in OpenData • 2 min read

About two years ago, I decided to dump on a very regular basis all the available data from the Velib API. Velib is the bike sharing system in Paris, and the API exposes a list of stations as well as their respective occupancy (free stands, available bikes in near realtime). I dumped the data every few minutes, and served dumps.

However, starting from January 1st, 2018, the operator of the Velib system changed. It used to be JCDecaux which was providing a clear and comprehensive API and is now Smovengo, for which I could not find any opendata endpoint at the moment.

Then, I keep dumping JCDecaux opendata in the dataset, but this only concerns the few remaining stations operated by JCDecaux. All stations are expected to be converted to the new Smovengo system by March, and there will no longer be any data available from JCDecaux for Velib in Paris. Smovengo already has a few operational stations, but I could not find any opendata endpoint so far (and did not get any response from the developer contact email address), so I cannot dump anything.

To sum up, Velib datasets are incomplete starting from January 1st, 2018 until further notice… Let me know if you are aware of any way to get opendata from Smovengo! :)

Note: Smovengo is already operating bike sharing systems in other cities, but neither this solution nor this one seems to be working for Paris. Dumping data from the official map should be possible but requires making a lot of requests and the terms of use are unclear, so this is not really an option. :/

EDIT: An alternative tracking service is available at It keeps track of all the data, starting from the 8th of January, but does not offer any download option.

EDIT 2: Actually JCDecaux stopped feeding its API, so I no longer dump JCDecaux data. Smovengo opendata endpoint is now available and dump should be available again starting from the second week of January 2018.

EDIT 3: I submitted a MR to PyBikes and dumps of Velib data are back online!